Getting Started
VGSLify makes it incredibly simple to define, build, and train deep learning models using the Variable-size Graph Specification Language (VGSL). VGSL strings serve as compact representations of neural network architectures, allowing you to build models in a single line.
VGSLify abstracts the complexity of backend-specific syntax, enabling seamless switching between TensorFlow and PyTorch. This flexibility allows you to focus on model architecture and training without worrying about framework-specific implementations.
What is a VGSL Specification?
A VGSL specification string concisely defines a neural network’s architecture. The string encodes all layers, including input, convolutional layers, pooling, fully connected layers, and more. Each part of the string corresponds to a different component of the model.
For example, the following VGSL string defines a simple convolutional neural network:
None,28,28,1 Cr3,3,32 Mp2,2 Rc2 Fr64 D20 Fs10
This string represents a model with an input layer, a convolutional layer, a max pooling layer, a reshape layer, a dense (fully connected) layer, dropout, and an output layer. The model’s structure is encoded entirely within this single line.
Key functionality of VGSLify includes:
Building models with a single line: You can define complex architectures with a VGSL string, reducing the need for verbose code.
Switching between TensorFlow and PyTorch: VGSLify supports both TensorFlow and PyTorch, allowing you to easily switch between backends.
Simple Example: Building a Model
Let’s walk through building a simple deep learning model using VGSLify.
Import the VGSLModelGenerator:
The VGSLModelGenerator class is the core component for building models from VGSL strings. Begin by importing it:
from vgslify import VGSLModelGenerator
Define the VGSL Specification String:
The VGSL spec string encodes the structure of the model. In this example, we will define a simple convolutional neural network suitable for handling MNIST digit images (28x28 grayscale):
vgsl_spec = "None,28,28,1 Cr3,3,32 Mp2,2 Rc2 Fr64 D20 Fs10"
Build and View the Model:
Initialize the VGSLModelGenerator and use it to build the model based on the VGSL spec string:
vgsl_gn = VGSLModelGenerator(backend="tensorflow") # Set backend to TensorFlow model = vgsl_gn.generate_model(vgsl_spec) model.summary() # View the model architecture
This will generate the model and display a summary of its architecture, including all layers defined by the VGSL spec string.
Explanation of Layers
Let’s break down the layers defined by the VGSL specification string in our example:
Input Layer:
- This defines the input shape of the model, which corresponds to grayscale images of size 28x28 pixels. The first dimension (None) allows for a variable batch size.Convolutional Layer:
- This adds a 2D convolutional layer with a 3x3 kernel and 32 output filters, using ReLU activation (r for ReLU).MaxPooling Layer:
- This reduces the spatial dimensions by applying 2x2 max pooling with a stride of 2x2, which downsamples the input by taking the maximum value over each 2x2 window.Reshape Layer:
- Reshapes the output from the previous layer, collapsing the spatial dimensions into a single vector suitable for fully connected layers.Fully Connected Layer:
- Adds a fully connected layer (dense layer) with 64 units.Dropout Layer:
- Applies dropout with a 20% rate to prevent overfitting by randomly setting a portion of the inputs to zero during training.Output Layer:
- Represents the output layer with 10 units (for 10 classes, such as the digits in MNIST) using softmax activation.
This VGSL string provides a concise, human-readable format for specifying complex model architectures. VGSLify automatically translates this specification into a deep learning model that can be trained using TensorFlow or PyTorch.
Quick Start with Custom Layers (Advanced)
You can also extend VGSLify by registering custom layer builders. For example, if you want to add a custom “Swish” activation layer in TensorFlow:
from vgslify.tensorflow import register_custom_layer
import tensorflow as tf
def build_swish_layer(factory, spec):
# spec example: "Xsw" triggers this custom layer
return tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x * tf.keras.activations.sigmoid(x))
# Use the custom prefix in your VGSL spec
vgsl_spec = "None,28,28,1 Cr3,3,32 Xsw Mp2,2 Rc2 Fr64 D20 Fs10"
vgsl_gn = VGSLModelGenerator(backend="tensorflow")
model = vgsl_gn.generate_model(vgsl_spec)
Now you have a model with a custom activation layer integrated seamlessly!
Next Steps
Once you’ve built and explored a basic model, you can dive deeper into VGSLify’s capabilities. Follow the tutorials to explore more advanced use cases such as:
Using different VGSL spec strings to define custom architectures.
Switching between TensorFlow and PyTorch backends.
Integrating VGSLify models into larger deep learning workflows.
Check out the API reference for detailed information on all available classes, methods, and utilities in VGSLify.
Additional Topics
For more examples and advanced workflows, continue reading the Tutorials and Advanced Usage sections.