Source code for vgslify.core.factory

# Imports

# > Standard Libraries
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Tuple
import math

# > Internal dependencies
from vgslify.core.parser import (parse_dropout_spec, parse_activation_spec,
                                 parse_reshape_spec, parse_conv2d_spec,
                                 parse_pooling2d_spec, parse_dense_spec,
                                 parse_rnn_spec, parse_input_spec)
from vgslify.core.config import (Conv2DConfig, Pooling2DConfig, DenseConfig,
                                 RNNConfig, DropoutConfig, ReshapeConfig,

[docs] class LayerFactory(ABC): """ Abstract base class for creating neural network layers from VGSL specifications. This class defines the interface that must be implemented by concrete factories for different frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch). It also provides common methods for output shape calculations to be used by subclasses. Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple of int, optional The initial input shape for the model. data_format : str, default 'channels_last' The data format for the input tensor. Either 'channels_last' or 'channels_first'. Attributes ---------- layers : list A list to store the created layers. data_format : str The data format for the input tensor. shape : tuple of int The current shape of the output tensor. _input_shape : tuple of int The initial input shape for the model. Notes ----- This is an abstract base class. Use a concrete implementation like `TensorFlowLayerFactory` or `PyTorchLayerFactory` in your code. This class uses a naming convention where public methods for creating layers (e.g., conv2d) have corresponding private methods with an underscore prefix (e.g., _conv2d) that handle the actual layer creation. Examples -------- >>> # Assuming we have a TensorFlowLayerFactory implementation >>> factory = TensorFlowLayerFactory(input_shape=(224, 224, 3)) >>> factory.conv2d('Cr3,3,32') >>> factory.pooling2d('Mp2,2,2,2') >>> factory.flatten('Flt') >>> factory.dense('Fs128') >>> model ='my_model') """ def __init__(self, input_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = None, data_format: str = 'channels_last'): self.layers = [] self.data_format = data_format # Make sure the input shape is valid if input_shape is not None and not all(isinstance(dim, int) for dim in input_shape): raise ValueError("Input shape must be a tuple of integers.") # Set the input shape if provided self.shape = input_shape self._input_shape = input_shape
[docs] @abstractmethod def build(self, name: str): """ Abstract method to build the final model using the created layers. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the model. Returns ------- Any The final built model. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(28, 28, 1)) >>> factory.conv2d('Cr3,3,32') >>> factory.flatten('Flt') >>> factory.dense('Fs10') >>> model ='my_model') """ pass
# Layer creation methods
[docs] def input(self, spec: str): """ Create an Input layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Input layer. Returns ------- Any The created Input layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory() >>> factory.input('1,28,28,1') """ config = parse_input_spec(spec) # Adjust input shape based on the parsed dimensions if config.channels is not None and config.depth is not None: # 4D input: shape = (depth, height, width, channels) input_shape = (config.depth, config.height, config.width, config.channels) elif config.channels is not None: # 3D input: shape = (height, width, channels) input_shape = (config.height, config.width, config.channels) elif config.height is not None: # 2D input: shape = (height, width) input_shape = (config.height, config.width) else: # 1D input: shape = (width,) input_shape = (config.width,) # Adjust for data format if self.data_format == 'channels_first': if len(input_shape) == 3: input_shape = (input_shape[2], input_shape[0], input_shape[1]) elif len(input_shape) == 4: input_shape = (input_shape[3], input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2]) self.shape = input_shape self._input_shape = input_shape input_layer = self._input(config, input_shape) if input_layer is not None: # Some backends may not return the layer self._add_layer(input_layer) return input_layer
[docs] def conv2d(self, spec: str): """ Create a 2D Convolutional layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Conv2D layer. Returns ------- Any The created Conv2D layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(28, 28, 1)) >>> factory.conv2d('Cr3,3,32') """ config = parse_conv2d_spec(spec) self._validate_input_shape() conv_layer = self._conv2d(config) self._add_layer(conv_layer) # Add activation if needed if config.activation: activation_layer = self._activation(config.activation) self._add_layer(activation_layer) # Update shape new_shape = self._compute_conv_output_shape(self.shape, config) self._update_shape(new_shape) return conv_layer
[docs] def pooling2d(self, spec: str): """ Create a 2D Pooling layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Pooling2D layer. Returns ------- Any The created Pooling2D layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(28, 28, 32)) >>> factory.pooling2d('Mp2,2,2,2') """ config = parse_pooling2d_spec(spec) self._validate_input_shape() pool_layer = self._pooling2d(config) self._add_layer(pool_layer) # Update shape new_shape = self._compute_pool_output_shape(self.shape, config) self._update_shape(new_shape) return pool_layer
[docs] def dense(self, spec: str): """ Create a Dense (Fully Connected) layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Dense layer. Returns ------- Any The created Dense layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(7*7*32,)) >>> factory.dense('Fs128') """ config = parse_dense_spec(spec) self._validate_input_shape() dense_layer = self._dense(config) self._add_layer(dense_layer) # Add activation if needed if config.activation: activation_layer = self._activation(config.activation) self._add_layer(activation_layer) # Update shape self._update_shape((config.units,)) return dense_layer
[docs] def rnn(self, spec: str): """ Create an RNN layer (LSTM or GRU), either unidirectional or bidirectional, based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the RNN layer. Returns ------- Any The created RNN layer (either unidirectional or bidirectional). Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(28, 28)) >>> factory.rnn('Ls128') # Unidirectional LSTM >>> factory.rnn('Bl128') # Bidirectional LSTM """ config = parse_rnn_spec(spec) self._validate_input_shape() rnn_layer = self._rnn(config) self._add_layer(rnn_layer) # Update shape if config.return_sequences: if config.bidirectional: self._update_shape((self.shape[0], config.units * 2)) else: self._update_shape((self.shape[0], config.units)) else: if config.bidirectional: self._update_shape((config.units * 2,)) else: self._update_shape((config.units,)) return rnn_layer
[docs] def batchnorm(self, spec: str): """ Create a BatchNormalization layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the BatchNormalization layer. Returns ------- Any The created BatchNormalization layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(28, 28, 32)) >>> factory.batchnorm('Bn') """ if spec != 'Bn': raise ValueError( f"BatchNormalization layer spec '{spec}' is incorrect. Expected 'Bn'.") self._validate_input_shape() batchnorm_layer = self._batchnorm() self._add_layer(batchnorm_layer) # Shape remains the same return batchnorm_layer
[docs] def dropout(self, spec: str): """ Create a Dropout layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Dropout layer. Returns ------- Any The created Dropout layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(128,)) >>> factory.dropout('D50') """ config = parse_dropout_spec(spec) layer = self._dropout(config) self.layers.append(layer) # Shape remains the same return layer
[docs] def activation(self, spec: str): """ Create an Activation layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Activation layer. Returns ------- Any The created Activation layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(128,)) >>> factory.activation('Ar') """ activation_function = parse_activation_spec(spec) layer = self._activation(activation_function) self.layers.append(layer) # Shape remains the same return layer
[docs] def reshape(self, spec: str): """ Create a Reshape layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str VGSL specification string for the Reshape layer. Can be: - 'Rc(2|3)': Collapse spatial dimensions (height, width, and channels). - 'R<x>,<y>,<z>': Reshape to the specified target shape. Returns ------- Any The created Reshape layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(28, 28, 1)) >>> factory.reshape('Rc3') """ if self.shape is None: raise ValueError("Input shape must be set before adding layers.") # Handle 'Rc' (collapse spatial dimensions) specification if spec.startswith('Rc'): if spec == 'Rc2': # Flatten to (batch_size, -1) layer = self._flatten() self.layers.append(layer) self.shape = (int(self._compute_flatten_shape(self.shape)),) return layer elif spec == 'Rc3': # Reshape to (batch_size, seq_length, features) if len(self.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( f"Expected a 3D input shape for 'Rc3', got {self.shape}") if self.data_format == 'channels_first': C, H, W = self.shape else: # channels_last H, W, C = self.shape # Handle variable height if H is None: seq_length = -1 else: seq_length = H * W if W is not None else None features = W * C config = ReshapeConfig(target_shape=(seq_length, features)) layer = self._reshape(config) self.layers.append(layer) self.shape = (seq_length, features) return layer else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Rc variant: {spec}") # Handle regular reshape (e.g., 'R64,64,3') config = parse_reshape_spec(spec) layer = self._reshape(config) self.layers.append(layer) self.shape = config.target_shape return layer
[docs] def flatten(self, spec: str): """ Create a Flatten layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Flatten layer. Returns ------- Any The created Flatten layer. Examples -------- >>> # Using a hypothetical concrete implementation >>> factory = SomeConcreteLayerFactory(input_shape=(7, 7, 64)) >>> factory.flatten('Flt') """ if spec != "Flt": raise ValueError( f"Flatten layer spec '{spec}' is incorrect. Expected 'Flt'.") layer = self._flatten() self.layers.append(layer) # Update shape self.shape = (self._compute_flatten_shape(self.shape),) return layer
# Abstract methods @abstractmethod def _input(self, config: InputConfig, input_shape: Tuple[int, ...]): """ Abstract method to create an Input layer. Parameters ---------- config : InputConfig The configuration object returned by parse_input_spec. input_shape : tuple of int The input shape. Returns ------- Any The created Input layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _conv2d(self, config: Conv2DConfig): """ Abstract method to create a Conv2D layer. Parameters ---------- config : Conv2DConfig The configuration object returned by parse_conv2d_spec. Returns ------- Any The created Conv2D layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _pooling2d(self, config: Pooling2DConfig): """ Abstract method to create a Pooling2D layer. Parameters ---------- config : Pooling2DConfig The configuration object returned by parse_pooling2d_spec. Returns ------- Any The created Pooling2D layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _dense(self, config: DenseConfig): """ Abstract method to create a Dense (Fully Connected) layer. Parameters ---------- config : DenseConfig The configuration object returned by parse_dense_spec. Returns ------- Any The created Dense layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _rnn(self, config: RNNConfig): """ Abstract method to create an RNN layer (LSTM or GRU). Parameters ---------- config : RNNConfig The configuration object returned by parse_rnn_spec. Returns ------- Any The created RNN layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _batchnorm(self): """ Abstract method to create a BatchNormalization layer. Returns ------- Any The created BatchNormalization layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _dropout(self, config: DropoutConfig): """ Abstract method to create a Dropout layer. Parameters ---------- config : DropoutConfig The configuration object returned by parse_dropout_spec. Returns ------- Any The created Dropout layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _activation(self, activation_function: str): """ Abstract method to create an Activation layer. Parameters ---------- activation_function : str Name of the activation function. Returns ------- Any The created Activation layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _reshape(self, config: ReshapeConfig): """ Abstract method to create a Reshape layer. Parameters ---------- config : ReshapeConfig The configuration object returned by parse_reshape_spec. Returns ------- Any The created Reshape layer. """ pass @abstractmethod def _flatten(self): """ Abstract method to create a Flatten layer. Returns ------- Any The created Flatten layer. """ pass # Helper methods def _compute_conv_output_shape(self, input_shape: Tuple[int, ...], config: Conv2DConfig) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Computes the output shape of a convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple The input shape. config : Conv2DConfig The configuration object returned by parse_conv2d_spec. Returns ------- tuple The output shape after the convolution. """ if self.data_format == 'channels_last': H_in, W_in, C_in = input_shape else: C_in, H_in, W_in = input_shape # Compute output dimensions based on padding and strides # Adjust calculations based on the backend's handling of padding # Example computation for 'same' padding H_out = math.ceil(H_in / config.strides[0]) \ if H_in is not None else None W_out = math.ceil(W_in / config.strides[1]) \ if W_in is not None else None C_out = config.filters if self.data_format == 'channels_last': return (H_out, W_out, C_out) else: return (C_out, H_out, W_out) def _compute_pool_output_shape(self, input_shape: Tuple[int, ...], config: Pooling2DConfig) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Computes the output shape of a pooling layer. Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple The input shape. config : Pooling2DConfig The configuration object returned by parse_pooling2d_spec. Returns ------- tuple The output shape after pooling. """ if self.data_format == 'channels_last': H_in, W_in, C_in = input_shape else: C_in, H_in, W_in = input_shape # Compute output dimensions based on pooling size and strides H_out = (H_in + config.strides[0] - 1) // config.strides[0] \ if H_in is not None else None W_out = (W_in + config.strides[1] - 1) // config.strides[1] if \ W_in is not None else None if self.data_format == 'channels_last': return (H_out, W_out, C_in) else: return (C_in, H_out, W_out) def _compute_flatten_shape(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> int: """ Computes the shape after flattening the input. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The input shape. Returns ------- int The product of all dimensions. """ from functools import reduce from operator import mul return reduce(mul, shape) def _validate_input_shape(self): """ Validates that the input shape has been set before adding layers. Raises ------ ValueError If the input shape has not been set. """ if self.shape is None: raise ValueError("Input shape must be set before adding layers.") def _add_layer(self, layer: Any): """ Adds a layer to the list of layers. Parameters ---------- layer : Any The layer to be added. """ self.layers.append(layer) def _update_shape(self, new_shape: Tuple[int, ...]): """ Updates the current shape of the output tensor. Parameters ---------- new_shape : tuple of int The new shape to set. """ self.shape = new_shape