Source code for vgslify.core.utils

[docs] def get_activation_function(activation_char: str) -> str: """ Maps a VGSL activation character to the corresponding Keras activation function. Parameters ---------- activation_char : str The character representing the activation function in the VGSL spec. Returns ------- str The name of the Keras activation function. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided activation character is not recognized. Examples -------- >>> activation = get_activation_function('r') >>> print(activation) 'relu' """ activation_map = { 's': 'softmax', 't': 'tanh', 'r': 'relu', 'l': 'linear', 'm': 'sigmoid' } if activation_char not in activation_map: raise ValueError(f"Invalid activation character '{activation_char}'.") return activation_map[activation_char]