Source code for vgslify.parsers.base_parser

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Union
from vgslify.core.config import (

[docs] class BaseModelParser(ABC): """ Abstract base class for model parsers. Provides common utility methods for parsing different frameworks and generating VGSL spec strings. """
[docs] def generate_vgsl(self, configs: List[Union[ Conv2DConfig, Pooling2DConfig, DenseConfig, RNNConfig, DropoutConfig, ReshapeConfig, InputConfig, ActivationConfig ]]) -> str: """ Convert a list of layer configuration dataclasses into a VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- configs : List[Union[Conv2DConfig, Pooling2DConfig, DenseConfig, RNNConfig, DropoutConfig, ReshapeConfig, InputConfig, ActivationConfig]] List of layer configurations. Returns ------- str VGSL specification string. """ vgsl_parts = [] i = len(configs) - 1 # Start from the end of the list to merge activations while i >= 0: config = configs[i] if isinstance(config, ActivationConfig): # Check if there is a preceding layer to merge with if i > 0: preceding_config = configs[i - 1] if isinstance(preceding_config, (Conv2DConfig, DenseConfig, RNNConfig)) and \ preceding_config.activation == 'linear': # Merge the activation into the preceding layer preceding_config.activation = config.activation # Skip adding this ActivationConfig i -= 1 continue # If cannot merge, add the activation spec vgsl_parts.append(self._vgsl_activation(config)) else: # Handle non-activation layers and strings if isinstance(config, InputConfig): vgsl_parts.append(self._vgsl_input(config)) elif isinstance(config, Conv2DConfig): vgsl_parts.append(self._vgsl_conv2d(config)) elif isinstance(config, Pooling2DConfig): vgsl_parts.append(self._vgsl_pooling2d(config)) elif isinstance(config, DenseConfig): vgsl_parts.append(self._vgsl_dense(config)) elif isinstance(config, RNNConfig): vgsl_parts.append(self._vgsl_rnn(config)) elif isinstance(config, DropoutConfig): vgsl_parts.append(self._vgsl_dropout(config)) elif isinstance(config, ReshapeConfig): vgsl_parts.append(self._vgsl_reshape(config)) elif isinstance(config, str): vgsl_parts.append(config) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported configuration type: {type(config).__name__}") i -= 1 # Move to the previous config # Reverse to restore the original order return " ".join(vgsl_parts[::-1])
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_model(self, model) -> str: """Parse the model into a VGSL spec string.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_input(self, layer) -> InputConfig: """Parse the input layer into a InputConfig dataclass.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_conv2d(self, layer) -> Conv2DConfig: """Parse the Conv2D layer into a Conv2DConfig dataclass.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_dense(self, layer) -> DenseConfig: """Parse the Dense layer into a DenseConfig dataclass.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_rnn(self, layer) -> RNNConfig: """Parse the RNN layer into a RNNConfig dataclass.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_pooling(self, layer) -> Pooling2DConfig: """Parse the Pooling layer into a Pooling2DConfig dataclass.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_batchnorm(self, layer) -> str: """Parse the BatchNorm layer into a VGSL spec string.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_dropout(self, layer) -> DropoutConfig: """Parse the Dropout layer into a DropoutConfig dataclass.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_flatten(self, layer) -> str: """Parse the Flatten layer into a VGSL spec string.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_reshape(self, layer) -> ReshapeConfig: """Parse the Reshape layer into a ReshapeConfig dataclass.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_activation(self, layer) -> ActivationConfig: """Parse the Activation layer into a ActivationConfig dataclass.""" pass
# VGSL Generation Methods def _vgsl_input(self, config: InputConfig) -> str: """ Generate VGSL string for input layer. Parameters ---------- config : InputConfig Configuration for the input layer. Returns ------- str VGSL string representation of the input layer. """ return ",".join(map(str, filter(lambda x: x != -1, [ config.batch_size, config.depth, config.height, config.width, config.channels ]))) def _vgsl_conv2d(self, config: Conv2DConfig) -> str: """ Generate VGSL string for Conv2D layer. Parameters ---------- config : Conv2DConfig Configuration for the Conv2D layer. Returns ------- str VGSL string representation of the Conv2D layer. """ act = self._get_activation_code(config.activation) stride_spec = ",".join(map(str, config.strides)) if config.strides != (1, 1) else "" stride_str = f",{stride_spec}" if stride_spec else "" return f"C{act}{config.kernel_size[0]},{config.kernel_size[1]}{stride_str},{config.filters}" def _vgsl_pooling2d(self, config: Pooling2DConfig) -> str: """ Generate VGSL string for Pooling2D layer. Parameters ---------- config : Pooling2DConfig Configuration for the Pooling2D layer. Returns ------- str VGSL string representation of the Pooling2D layer. """ pool_type_code = 'Mp' if config.pool_type.lower() == 'max' else 'Ap' pool_size_str = ",".join(map(str, config.pool_size)) strides_str = ",".join(map(str, config.strides)) if config.strides != config.pool_size else "" return f"{pool_type_code}{pool_size_str}{',' + strides_str if strides_str else ''}" def _vgsl_dense(self, config: DenseConfig) -> str: """ Generate VGSL string for Dense layer. Parameters ---------- config : DenseConfig Configuration for the Dense layer. Returns ------- str VGSL string representation of the Dense layer. """ act = self._get_activation_code(config.activation) return f"F{act}{config.units}" def _vgsl_rnn(self, config: RNNConfig) -> str: """ Generate VGSL string for RNN layer. Parameters ---------- config : RNNConfig Configuration for the RNN layer. Returns ------- str VGSL string representation of the RNN layer. Raises ------ ValueError If an unsupported RNN type is provided. """ if config.bidirectional: layer_type = 'B' rnn_type = 'l' if config.rnn_type.lower() == 'lstm' else 'g' else: if config.rnn_type.lower() == 'lstm': layer_type = 'L' elif config.rnn_type.lower() == 'gru': layer_type = 'G' else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported RNN type: {config.rnn_type}") rnn_type = 'r' if config.go_backwards else 'f' return_sequences = 's' if config.return_sequences and not config.bidirectional else '' spec = f"{layer_type}{rnn_type}{return_sequences}{config.units}" if config.dropout > 0: spec += f",D{int(config.dropout * 100)}" if config.recurrent_dropout > 0: spec += f",Rd{int(config.recurrent_dropout * 100)}" return spec def _vgsl_dropout(self, config: DropoutConfig) -> str: """ Generate VGSL string for Dropout layer. Parameters ---------- config : DropoutConfig Configuration for the Dropout layer. Returns ------- str VGSL string representation of the Dropout layer. """ return f"D{int(config.rate * 100)}" def _vgsl_reshape(self, config: ReshapeConfig) -> str: """ Generate VGSL string for Reshape layer. Parameters ---------- config : ReshapeConfig Configuration for the Reshape layer. Returns ------- str VGSL string representation of the Reshape layer. """ if len(config.target_shape) == 2 and (None in config.target_shape or -1 in config.target_shape): return "Rc3" else: reshape_dims = ",".join(map(lambda x: str(x) if x is not None else '-1', config.target_shape)) return f"R{reshape_dims}" def _vgsl_activation(self, config: ActivationConfig) -> str: """ Generate VGSL string for Activation layer. Parameters ---------- config : ActivationConfig Configuration for the Activation layer. Returns ------- str VGSL string representation of the Activation layer. """ act = self._get_activation_code(config.activation) return f"A{act}" def _get_activation_code(self, activation: str) -> str: """ Get the VGSL activation code for a given activation function. Parameters ---------- activation : str Name of the activation function. Returns ------- str VGSL activation code. Raises ------ ValueError If an unsupported activation function is provided. """ ACTIVATION_MAP = { 'softmax': 's', 'tanh': 't', 'relu': 'r', 'linear': 'l', 'sigmoid': 'm', 'identity': 'l' } act_code = ACTIVATION_MAP.get(activation.lower(), None) if act_code is None: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported activation '{activation}'.") return act_code