Source code for vgslify.parsers.torch_parser

# Imports

# > Standard Library
from typing import Callable, Dict, Type, Union
import warnings

# > Third-Party Dependencies
import torch.nn as nn

# > Internal
from vgslify.core.config import (
from vgslify.parsers.base_parser import BaseModelParser
from vgslify.torch.layers import Reshape

[docs] class TorchModelParser(BaseModelParser): """ Parser for converting PyTorch models into VGSL (Variable-size Graph Specification Language) spec strings. This class extends the BaseModelParser to provide specific functionality for PyTorch models. It uses configuration dataclasses to represent different layer types and converts them into VGSL spec strings. Attributes ---------- layer_parsers : Dict[Type[nn.Module], Callable] A dictionary mapping PyTorch layer types to their corresponding parsing methods. Notes ----- This parser supports a wide range of PyTorch layers and can be extended to support additional layer types by adding new parsing methods and updating the layer_parsers dictionary. """ def __init__(self): # Initialize the layer parsers mapping self.layer_parsers: Dict[Type[nn.Module], Callable] = { nn.Conv2d: self.parse_conv2d, nn.Linear: self.parse_dense, nn.LSTM: self.parse_rnn, nn.GRU: self.parse_rnn, nn.MaxPool2d: self.parse_pooling, nn.AvgPool2d: self.parse_pooling, nn.BatchNorm2d: self.parse_batchnorm, nn.Dropout: self.parse_dropout, nn.Flatten: self.parse_flatten, nn.ReLU: self.parse_activation, nn.Sigmoid: self.parse_activation, nn.Tanh: self.parse_activation, nn.Identity: self.parse_activation, nn.Softmax: self.parse_activation, Reshape: self.parse_reshape, }
[docs] def parse_model(self, model: nn.Module) -> str: """ Parse a PyTorch model into a VGSL spec string. Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module PyTorch model to be converted. Returns ------- str VGSL spec string. Raises ------ ValueError If the model contains unsupported layers or if the input shape is invalid. """ configs = [] # Extract input shape from the first layer first_layer = next(model.children()) input_config = self.parse_input(first_layer) if input_config: configs.append(input_config) # Iterate through all layers in the model for name, layer in model.named_modules(): if isinstance(layer, nn.Sequential): continue layer_type = type(layer) parser_func = self.layer_parsers.get(layer_type, None) if parser_func: # Parse the layer config = parser_func(layer) if isinstance(config, ReshapeConfig) or config == "Flt": warnings.warn("Warning: The model contains a Flatten or Reshape layer. This may cause VGSLify to " "misinterpret the model's input shape. It is recommended to manually verify and " "adjust the input shape if necessary to ensure accuracy.") # Append the config if not None if config: configs.append(config) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported layer type {layer_type.__name__} at {name}." ) # Generate VGSL spec string from configs return self.generate_vgsl(configs)
[docs] def parse_input(self, layer: nn.Module) -> InputConfig: """ Parse the input shape from the first layer of the model. Parameters ---------- layer : nn.Module The first layer of the PyTorch model. Returns ------- InputConfig The configuration for the input layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the input shape cannot be determined. """ batch_size = None # Placeholder for dynamic batch size depth, height, width, channels = -1, -1, -1, -1 if hasattr(layer, 'in_channels'): # Conv2d, Conv3d, BatchNorm2d, etc. channels = layer.in_channels elif hasattr(layer, 'in_features'): # Linear, LSTM, GRU, etc. channels = layer.in_features elif hasattr(layer, 'input_size'): # Some RNN layers channels = layer.input_size elif hasattr(layer, 'num_features'): # Some normalization layers channels = layer.num_features # Try to infer spatial dimensions if available if isinstance(layer, (nn.Conv2d, nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.MaxPool2d, nn.AvgPool2d)): height, width = None, None elif isinstance(layer, (nn.Conv3d, nn.BatchNorm3d, nn.MaxPool3d, nn.AvgPool3d)): depth, height, width = None, None, None elif isinstance(layer, (nn.Linear, nn.LSTM, nn.GRU)): depth, height, width = None, None, None if channels == -1: raise ValueError("Unable to determine input shape from the first layer.") return InputConfig( batch_size=batch_size, depth=depth, height=height, width=width, channels=channels )
# Parser methods for different layer types
[docs] def parse_conv2d(self, layer: nn.Conv2d) -> Conv2DConfig: """ Parse a Conv2d layer into a Conv2DConfig dataclass. Parameters ---------- layer : nn.Conv2d The Conv2d layer to parse. Returns ------- Conv2DConfig The configuration for the Conv2D layer. """ return Conv2DConfig( activation="linear", # PyTorch typically separates activation kernel_size=layer.kernel_size, strides=layer.stride, filters=layer.out_channels )
[docs] def parse_dense(self, layer: nn.Linear) -> DenseConfig: """ Parse a Linear layer into a DenseConfig dataclass. Parameters ---------- layer : nn.Linear The Linear layer to parse. Returns ------- DenseConfig The configuration for the Dense layer. """ return DenseConfig( activation="linear", # PyTorch typically separates activation units=layer.out_features )
[docs] def parse_rnn(self, layer: Union[nn.LSTM, nn.GRU]) -> RNNConfig: """ Parse an RNN layer (LSTM or GRU) into an RNNConfig dataclass. Parameters ---------- layer : Union[nn.LSTM, nn.GRU] The RNN layer to parse. Returns ------- RNNConfig The configuration for the RNN layer. """ if isinstance(layer, nn.LSTM): rnn_type = 'lstm' elif isinstance(layer, nn.GRU): rnn_type = 'gru' else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported RNN layer type {type(layer).__name__}.") return RNNConfig( units=layer.hidden_size, return_sequences=True, # PyTorch RNNs always return sequences by default go_backwards=False, # PyTorch doesn't have a direct equivalent dropout=layer.dropout, recurrent_dropout=0, # PyTorch doesn't have recurrent dropout rnn_type=rnn_type, bidirectional=layer.bidirectional )
[docs] def parse_pooling(self, layer: Union[nn.MaxPool2d, nn.AvgPool2d]) -> Pooling2DConfig: """ Parse a Pooling layer into a Pooling2DConfig dataclass. Parameters ---------- layer : nn.MaxPool2d or nn.AvgPool2d The Pooling layer to parse. Returns ------- Pooling2DConfig The configuration for the Pooling layer. """ if isinstance(layer, nn.MaxPool2d): pool_type = "max" elif isinstance(layer, nn.AvgPool2d): pool_type = "average" return Pooling2DConfig( pool_type=pool_type, pool_size=layer.kernel_size, strides=layer.stride )
[docs] def parse_batchnorm(self, layer: nn.BatchNorm2d) -> str: """ Parse a BatchNorm2d layer. Parameters ---------- layer : nn.BatchNorm2d The BatchNorm2d layer to parse. Returns ------- str Indicates that the VGSL spec should include 'Bn'. """ return "Bn"
[docs] def parse_dropout(self, layer: nn.Dropout) -> DropoutConfig: """ Parse a Dropout layer into a DropoutConfig dataclass. Parameters ---------- layer : nn.Dropout The Dropout layer to parse. Returns ------- DropoutConfig The configuration for the Dropout layer. """ return DropoutConfig( rate=layer.p )
[docs] def parse_flatten(self, layer: nn.Flatten) -> str: """ Parse a Flatten layer. Parameters ---------- layer : nn.Flatten The Flatten layer to parse. Returns ------- str Indicates that the VGSL spec should include 'Flatten'. """ return "Flt"
[docs] def parse_reshape(self, layer: Reshape) -> ReshapeConfig: """ Parse a Reshape layer into a ReshapeConfig dataclass. Parameters ---------- layer : Reshape The custom Reshape layer to parse. Returns ------- ReshapeConfig The configuration for the Reshape layer. """ target_shape = layer.target_shape return ReshapeConfig( target_shape=target_shape )
[docs] def parse_activation(self, layer: nn.Module) -> ActivationConfig: """ Parse an activation function. Parameters ---------- layer : nn.Module The activation layer to parse. Returns ------- ActivationConfig The configuration for the Activation layer. """ if isinstance(layer, nn.ReLU): activation = "relu" elif isinstance(layer, nn.Sigmoid): activation = "sigmoid" elif isinstance(layer, nn.Tanh): activation = "tanh" elif isinstance(layer, nn.Identity): activation = "linear" elif isinstance(layer, nn.Softmax): activation = "softmax" else: activation = "linear" return ActivationConfig(activation=activation)