Source code for vgslify.tensorflow.layers

# Imports

# > Standard library
from typing import Tuple

# > Third-party dependencies
import tensorflow as tf

# > Internal dependencies
from vgslify.core.factory import LayerFactory
from vgslify.core.config import (Conv2DConfig, Pooling2DConfig, DenseConfig,
                                 RNNConfig, DropoutConfig, ReshapeConfig,

[docs] class TensorFlowLayerFactory(LayerFactory): """ TensorFlowLayerFactory is responsible for creating TensorFlow-specific layers based on parsed VGSL (Variable-size Graph Specification Language) specifications. This factory handles the creation of various types of layers, including convolutional layers, pooling layers, RNN layers, dense layers, activation layers, and more. Attributes ---------- layers : list A list of TensorFlow layers that have been added to the factory. shape : tuple of int The current shape of the tensor, excluding the batch size. _input_shape : tuple of int or None The original input shape provided during initialization. """ def __init__(self, input_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = None): """ Initialize the TensorFlowLayerFactory. Parameters ---------- input_shape : tuple of int, optional The input shape for the model, excluding batch size. """ super().__init__(input_shape, data_format='channels_last')
[docs] def build(self, name: str = "VGSL_Model") -> tf.keras.models.Model: """ Build the final model using the accumulated layers. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name of the model, by default "VGSL_Model" Returns ------- tf.keras.models.Model The constructed TensorFlow model. Raises ------ ValueError If no layers have been added to the model. ValueError If no input shape has been specified for the model. """ if not self.layers: raise ValueError("No layers added to the model.") if not self._input_shape: raise ValueError("No input shape specified for the model.") # If we do not have an input layer, add one if not tf.keras.backend.is_keras_tensor(self.layers[0]): input_layer = tf.keras.Input(shape=self._input_shape) self.layers.insert(0, input_layer) inputs = self.layers[0] outputs = inputs for layer in self.layers[1:]: outputs = layer(outputs) model = tf.keras.models.Model( inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, name=name) return model
# Layer creation methods def _input(self, config: InputConfig, input_shape: Tuple[int, ...]): """ Create a TensorFlow Input layer. Parameters ---------- config : InputConfig Configuration object for the Input layer. input_shape : tuple of int The input shape for the layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Input The created Input layer. """ return tf.keras.Input(shape=input_shape, batch_size=config.batch_size) def _conv2d(self, config: Conv2DConfig): """ Create a TensorFlow Conv2D layer. Parameters ---------- config : Conv2DConfig Configuration object for the Conv2D layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Conv2D The created Conv2D layer. """ return tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( filters=config.filters, kernel_size=config.kernel_size, strides=config.strides, padding='same', activation=None ) def _pooling2d(self, config: Pooling2DConfig): """ Create a TensorFlow Pooling2D layer. Parameters ---------- config : Pooling2DConfig Configuration object for the Pooling2D layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Layer The created Pooling2D layer (either MaxPooling2D or AveragePooling2D). """ if config.pool_type == 'max': return tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D( pool_size=config.pool_size, strides=config.strides, padding='same' ) if config.pool_type == 'avg': return tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D( pool_size=config.pool_size, strides=config.strides, padding='same' ) def _dense(self, config: DenseConfig): """ Create a TensorFlow Dense layer. Parameters ---------- config : DenseConfig Configuration object for the Dense layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Dense The created Dense layer. """ return tf.keras.layers.Dense( units=config.units, activation=None ) def _rnn(self, config: RNNConfig): """ Create a TensorFlow RNN layer (LSTM or GRU), either unidirectional or bidirectional. Parameters ---------- config : RNNConfig Configuration object for the RNN layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Layer The created RNN layer (either LSTM or GRU, unidirectional or bidirectional). Raises ------ ValueError If an unsupported RNN type is specified. """ if config.rnn_type.upper() == 'L': rnn_class = tf.keras.layers.LSTM elif config.rnn_type.upper() == 'G': rnn_class = tf.keras.layers.GRU else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported RNN type: {config.rnn_type}") rnn_layer = rnn_class( units=config.units, return_sequences=config.return_sequences, dropout=config.dropout, recurrent_dropout=config.recurrent_dropout ) if config.bidirectional: return tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional( rnn_layer, merge_mode='concat' ) else: return rnn_layer def _batchnorm(self): """ Create a TensorFlow BatchNormalization layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization The created BatchNormalization layer. """ return tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() def _dropout(self, config: DropoutConfig): """ Create a TensorFlow Dropout layer. Parameters ---------- config : DropoutConfig Configuration object for the Dropout layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Dropout The created Dropout layer. """ return tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate=config.rate) def _activation(self, activation_function: str): """ Create a TensorFlow activation layer. Parameters ---------- activation_function : str Name of the activation function. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Activation The created activation layer. """ return tf.keras.layers.Activation(activation=activation_function) def _reshape(self, config: ReshapeConfig): """ Create a TensorFlow Reshape layer. Parameters ---------- config : ReshapeConfig Configuration object for the Reshape layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Reshape The created Reshape layer. """ return tf.keras.layers.Reshape(target_shape=config.target_shape) def _flatten(self): """ Create a TensorFlow Flatten layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Flatten The created Flatten layer. """ return tf.keras.layers.Flatten()