Source code for vgslify.tensorflow.layers

# Imports

# > Third-party dependencies
import tensorflow as tf

# > Internal dependencies
from vgslify.core.factory import LayerFactory
from vgslify.core.parser import (parse_conv2d_spec, parse_pooling2d_spec,
                                 parse_dense_spec, parse_rnn_spec,
                                 parse_dropout_spec, parse_activation_spec,
                                 parse_reshape_spec, parse_input_spec)

[docs] class TensorFlowLayerFactory(LayerFactory): """ TensorFlowLayerFactory is responsible for creating TensorFlow-specific layers based on parsed VGSL (Variable-size Graph Specification Language) specifications. This factory handles the creation of various types of layers, including convolutional layers, pooling layers, RNN layers, dense layers, activation layers, and more. This class abstracts the layer creation logic, allowing the VGSLModelGenerator to dynamically build models without needing to know the specifics of TensorFlow operations. """
[docs] @staticmethod def conv2d(spec: str): """ Create a Conv2D layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Conv2D layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Conv2D The created Conv2D layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> conv_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.conv2d("Cr3,3,64") >>> print(conv_layer) <keras.src.layers.convolutional.conv2d.Conv2D object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_conv2d_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( filters=config.filters, kernel_size=config.kernel_size, strides=config.strides, padding='same', activation=config.activation, )
[docs] @staticmethod def maxpooling2d(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D: """ Create a MaxPooling2D layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the MaxPooling2D layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D The created MaxPooling2D layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> maxpool_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.maxpooling2d("Mp2,2,2,2") >>> print(maxpool_layer) <keras.src.layers.pooling.max_pooling2d.MaxPooling2D object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_pooling2d_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D( pool_size=config.pool_size, strides=config.strides, padding='same' )
[docs] @staticmethod def avgpool2d(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.AvgPool2D: """ Create an AvgPool2D layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the AvgPool2D layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.AvgPool2D The created AvgPool2D layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> avgpool_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.avgpool2d("Ap2,2,2,2") >>> print(avgpool_layer) <keras.src.layers.pooling.average_pooling2d.AveragePooling2D object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_pooling2d_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.AvgPool2D( pool_size=config.pool_size, strides=config.strides, padding='same' )
[docs] @staticmethod def dense(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.Dense: """ Create a Dense layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Dense layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Dense The created Dense layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> dense_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.dense("Fr64") >>> print(dense_layer) <keras.src.layers.core.dense.Dense object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_dense_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.Dense( units=config.units, activation=config.activation, )
[docs] @staticmethod def lstm(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.LSTM: """ Create an LSTM layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the LSTM layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.LSTM The created LSTM layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> lstm_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.lstm("Lr64,D20,Rd10") >>> print(lstm_layer) <keras.src.layers.recurrent.lstm.LSTM object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_rnn_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.LSTM( units=config.units, return_sequences=config.return_sequences, go_backwards=config.go_backwards, dropout=config.dropout, recurrent_dropout=config.recurrent_dropout )
[docs] @staticmethod def gru(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.GRU: """ Create a GRU layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the GRU layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.GRU The created GRU layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> gru_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.gru("Gr64,D20,Rd10") >>> print(gru_layer) <keras.src.layers.recurrent.gru.GRU object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_rnn_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.GRU( units=config.units, return_sequences=config.return_sequences, go_backwards=config.go_backwards, dropout=config.dropout, recurrent_dropout=config.recurrent_dropout )
[docs] @staticmethod def bidirectional(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional: """ Create a Bidirectional RNN layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Bidirectional layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional The created Bidirectional RNN layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> bidirectional_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.bidirectional("Blr64,D20,Rd10") >>> print(bidirectional_layer) <keras.src.layers.wrappers.bidirectional.Bidirectional object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_rnn_spec(spec) rnn_layer = tf.keras.layers.LSTM if config.rnn_type == 'l' else tf.keras.layers.GRU return tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional( rnn_layer( units=config.units, return_sequences=True, dropout=config.dropout, recurrent_dropout=config.recurrent_dropout ), merge_mode='concat' )
[docs] @staticmethod def dropout(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.Dropout: """ Create a Dropout layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Dropout layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Dropout The created Dropout layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> dropout_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.dropout("D50") >>> print(dropout_layer) <keras.src.layers.core.dropout.Dropout object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_dropout_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate=config.rate)
[docs] @staticmethod def batchnorm(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization: """ Create a BatchNormalization layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the BatchNormalization layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization The created BatchNormalization layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> batchnorm_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.batchnorm("Bn") >>> print(batchnorm_layer) <keras.src.layers.normalization.batch_normalization.BatchNormalization object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ if spec != 'Bn': raise ValueError( f"BatchNormalization layer spec '{spec}' is incorrect. Expected 'Bn'.") return tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()
[docs] @staticmethod def activation(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.Activation: """ Create an Activation layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Activation layer. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Activation The created Activation layer. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> activation_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.activation("Ar") >>> print(activation_layer) <keras.src.layers.core.activation.Activation object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ activation_function = parse_activation_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.Activation(activation=activation_function)
[docs] @staticmethod def reshape(spec: str, prev_layer: tf.keras.layers.Layer = None) -> tf.keras.layers.Reshape: """ Create a Reshape layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str VGSL specification string for the Reshape layer. Can be: - 'Rc': Collapse spatial dimensions (height, width, and channels). - 'R<x>,<y>,<z>': Reshape to the specified target shape. prev_layer : tf.keras.layers.Layer, optional The previous layer in the model, used for spatial collapsing, by default None Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Reshape The created Reshape layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the previous layer is required for spatial collapsing but is not provided, or if the provided shape is incompatible for spatial collapsing. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> reshape_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.reshape("R10,10,3") >>> print(reshape_layer) <keras.src.layers.core.reshape.Reshape object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ # Handle 'Rc' (collapse spatial dimensions) specification if spec.startswith('Rc'): if prev_layer is None: raise ValueError( "Previous layer is required for spatial collapsing. None provided.") prev_shape = prev_layer.shape # Get shape of the previous layer if len(prev_shape) != 4: raise ValueError( f"Previous layer shape {prev_shape} is incompatible for spatial collapsing. " "Expected shape of 4 dimensions (batch_size, height, width, channels)." ) # Extract height, width, and channels height, width, num_channels = prev_shape[-3] or 1, prev_shape[-2] or 1, prev_shape[-1] or 1 # Handle Rc2: flatten to (batch_size, flattened_features) if spec == 'Rc2': flattened_features = height * width * num_channels return tf.keras.layers.Reshape((flattened_features,)) # Handle Rc3: reshape to (batch_size, timesteps, features) for RNN compatibility if spec == 'Rc3': return tf.keras.layers.Reshape((-1, height * width * num_channels)) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Rc variant: {spec}") # Handle regular reshape (e.g., 'R64,64,3') config = parse_reshape_spec(spec) return tf.keras.layers.Reshape(target_shape=config.target_shape)
[docs] @staticmethod def input(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.Input: """ Create an Input layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Input layer. Supported formats: - 1D: `<batch_size>,<width>` - 2D: `<batch_size>,<height>,<width>` - 3D: `<batch_size>,<height>,<width>,<channels>` - 4D: `<batch_size>,<depth>,<height>,<width>,<channels>` Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Input The created Input layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> input_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.input("None,32,3,32") >>> print(input_layer) <keras.src.layers.core.input.Input object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> >>> input_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.input("None,128") >>> print(input_layer) <keras.src.layers.core.input.Input object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> >>> input_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.input("None,16,64,64,3") >>> print(input_layer) <keras.src.layers.core.input.Input object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ config = parse_input_spec(spec) # Adjust input shape based on the parsed dimensions if config.channels is not None and config.depth is not None: # 4D input: shape = (depth, height, width, channels) input_shape = (config.depth, config.height, config.width, config.channels) elif config.channels is not None: # 3D input: shape = (height, width, channels) input_shape = (config.height, config.width, config.channels) elif config.height is not None: # 2D input: shape = (height, width) input_shape = (config.height, config.width) else: # 1D input: shape = (width,) input_shape = (config.width,) return tf.keras.Input(shape=input_shape, batch_size=config.batch_size)
[docs] @staticmethod def flatten(spec: str) -> tf.keras.layers.Flatten: """ Create a Flatten layer based on the VGSL specification string. Parameters ---------- spec : str The VGSL specification string for the Flatten layer. Expected format: 'Flt'. Returns ------- tf.keras.layers.Flatten The created Flatten layer. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided VGSL spec string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> flatten_layer = TensorFlowLayerFactory.flatten("Flt") >>> print(flatten_layer) <keras.src.layers.core.flatten.Flatten object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ if spec != "Flt": raise ValueError( f"Flatten layer spec '{spec}' is incorrect. Expected 'Flt'.") return tf.keras.layers.Flatten()
[docs] @staticmethod def build_final_model(inputs: tf.keras.layers.Input, outputs: tf.keras.layers.Layer, name: str = "VGSL_Model") \ -> tf.keras.models.Model: """ Build the final model using the provided input and output layers. Parameters ---------- inputs : tf.keras.layers.Input The input layer of the model. outputs : tf.keras.layers.Layer The output layer (or the final processed layer before output) of the model. name : str, optional The name of the model, by default "VGSL_Model Returns ------- tf.keras.models.Model The constructed TensorFlow model. Examples -------- >>> from vgslify.tensorflow.layers import TensorFlowLayerFactory >>> inputs = TensorFlowLayerFactory.input("None,32,3,32") >>> outputs = TensorFlowLayerFactory.dense("Fr64")(inputs) >>> model = TensorFlowLayerFactory.build_final_model(inputs, outputs) >>> print(model) < object at 0x7f8b1c0b1d30> """ model = tf.keras.models.Model( inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, name=name) return model